Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fear Not....

This week the Stressed-Less Living Bible study began. I can only say that this is going to be the most powerful 12 weeks of Bible study and personal growth that I have experienced in a very long time.

This is the focus verse for our first week.

As I read the words and the chapter I began to realize that much of my personal stress is self-inflicted. I need to learn to turn things over to God the things that are beyond my control and I need to learn to turn to God more frequently in order to discover those things that he REALLY DOES want me to do.

I have always been the kind of person who, when seeing something that needed doing, jumped in and tried to do it. I didn't stop to think about whether or not I was MEANT to do it. If there was a committee or an event at school that needed a lead person, I was there. If there was a club or organization that needed a sponsor, I was there. If there was a dance after school and they needed one more chaperone, students knew that they could come to me. Usually I would rework my schedule and take on whatever duties needed doing. Afterwards, of course, I would go home and sit and grade papers or worry because I didn't get everything done that I FELT I should.

I think that I now realize what I need to do is stop and ask God for guidance. OK... there is a committee that needs someone. Am I intended for it? What is God's will? If I do commit myself to the task at hand, I also can't beat myself up over the related duties. I need to realize that God is there and he will only give me what I can handle.

As I read the Bible verse and the chapter I kept seeing the reference to God being at my right-hand. I came to the realization that he truly is the BEST Right-Hand Man that I could have! He is always there; I just need to learn to lean on him a bit more for guidance and support.

I can't wait to see what the coming weeks of this Bible study hold for me! It isn't too late. Feel free to join in. You are sure to be blessed!


  1. Thanks for your blog! How true it is that we get so caught up in doing, we forget that maybe God has this position in mind for someone else and not us.
    We want to help and so overtax ourselves to do it. Sadly, often we suffer and so do others around us. It's difficult to let go and let others fill in, but its the right thing to do both for our growth as well as theirs.
    I hear ya' sister! God bless you as you continue through this study....

  2. I kept thinking of that too - He's holding us with his right hand... I just kept thinking, wasnt that a place of honor that the disciples argued about? That place of honor is for us :)

  3. How neat that I looked at your picture and realized I recognized you! Isn't this study awesome? I've been doing studies with Melissa Taylor over a year and the books she chooses always seem to speak to me.
    I know just what you mean about jumping in without thinking. I often over-commit which leads to me being frazzled and to stressed. I'm slowly learning to appreciate my blessings and base my decisions on my priorities.
    Praying the study continues to bless you. Hope your family is doing well, too... Caleb remembers your husband fondly from his preschool days =)
    Lauren Bates

  4. I think that educators are just naturally "take charge" people, so I can understand that it becomes hard to say "no". I always had trouble with that word because I was a people pleaser. You are right! We need to stop and ask God first. If we seek His guidance, we won't overload our plates with things we shouldn't be doing. Great insight!
    Barbara Prince, OBS Small Group Leader

  5. I agree with so much of what you wrote...I just hadn't had time to type it...I've never done a blog or a blog hop...I will learn as I go through this study I suppose...mostly however, I simply want to be stressed-less and use the other resources available during this OBS.

  6. Great post, Stella! Isn't it eye-opening when we realize that the problem was us all along? I have the exact opposite problem, instead of always taking on tasks, I shy away because of fear. The result is the same; I am not listening to what God wants for me!

    Thank you for your post! You are right that God is the best Right Hand Man we can have!


    1. I am somewhere in between taking on too much and then letting go of so much that I can't decide where I should serve! This study is really going to help me discern where God wants me to be serving. I also need help with letting go and letting God take care of the people that I can not control!

    2. Kelsey thanks for what you said. I have often found myself in a similar situation .. Not taking on new ventures because of fear. But God will not let me get away with it. As a matter of fact He has led us to start a church and now it's time to give footsteps to our faith. If God is for us then who can be against us? He will enable us to accomplish whatever He has called and purposed for us to do.

  7. Loved your blog today. Yes He is our right-hand man. Loving this study and glad you are doing it with us. Debbie W. (OBS Leader)
