Thursday, September 5, 2013

Glimpses of God

They are everywhere...........

All around me...........

When I see one of my teenage children casually lean over to a young child at church to smile, laugh, and help with an art project, I see the love that Jesus expressed when he said, "Let the little children come to me."

When I come to school in the morning, loaded down with the burden of books, graded papers, and my lunch bag and one of my students rushes to the door saying, "Do you need some help?" I see the giving hand of God.

When our community unites to raise money for a young lady who was in a tragic car accident, I feel the rush of God's care taking care of those in need.

When I have had a bad day at school and I get an unexpected email from a parent or student, saying, "Thank you for taking the time to help." I feel God's tender embrace saying, "You are loved."

When I am driving home after a particular trying day at school and just the right song comes on the radio, I feel God's strength and encouragement saying, "Be strong. You did your best. Tomorrow, you can try again."

Yes, sometimes it is not the BIG things...... those moments when something amazing and miraculous happens.......

Instead, it is the little things, those quiet, dainty, feathery touches of God's love that mean the most.

I think back to when my children were young and my daughter would be playing in the fresh spring grass. She would find one of the first dandelions of the season and would rush to my side, great joy on her face. We would sit together, side by side, as she blew on that dandelion, spreading the seeds into the wind. Weeks later, tiny little dandelions would sprout throughout the yard.

That is the way I envision God's love. It is those little things, the tiny dandelion seeds that I need to spread throughout the world. I don't have to always move mountains. Instead, I can take the time to do a small thing.

I can bake a dish of brownies for a friend.

I can deliver a plate of left-over food to a lonely neighbor after my own family has had a big get together.

I can take a bag of gently used clothing to a family in need.

Just as my daughter's dandelion seeds sprouted and filled the yard, those "little things" that I do will spread God's love throughout the community and can sprout more deeds of love. I just need to keep my eyes open and pray for God's guidance as he reveals the opportunities to me.

Won't you join me? Can you think of some seemingly small thing that you can do today to share God's love with someone who needs it. Are you willing to give them a glimpse of God's love?


  1. Thank you, Stella for sharing that and reminding me that the small things can and do make a difference.

  2. It's the small things! Thank you for the reminder!
