Thursday, January 9, 2014

Living In-Between

A while back, I came across a description of THIS BOOK online:

I was intrigued and added it to my Christmas "wish list" that I make for my sweet hubby. On Christmas morning I found it inside one of the many packages that I received. As soon as the scraps of wrapping paper had been bagged, the new clothing had found a home in the closet, and some semblance of order had returned, I began reading.

In the weeks that have followed, I have found myself highlighting quote after quote.

I have always been one of those people who tried desperately to store away in my memory every significant moment that I could. I became a scrapbooker early in my son's life and he is now nineteen. I have book after book filled with photos and journaling documenting his achievements, his milestones, the laughter, and the tears. I continued this practice with my daughter who is now sixteen.

When I read on page 17 of the book, "Many of us fail to recognize that the best moments are the ones happening right now," I thought for a brief moment that I could pat myself on the back. After all, I had documented all of those best moments, right?

As I read on, I began to doubt myself.... I found myself agreeing that the important things, the events that really shape us are sometimes the things that we overlook- those minutes BETWEEN events.

I spent last year waiting to turn 50........... knowing that it was coming, and wondering what would change. Well, guess what? Nothing really happened. The day came, the day went, and I was the same person. That is part of the reason that I selected my word for this year- EVOLVE.

I want to take time during 2014 to really examine who I am, what is it that has shaped me, who do I want to be for the remaining years that I have? I want to enjoy each moment, not agonize over it. I want to LIVE in those in-between moments. I don't want to be one of those people that Jeff Goins talks about....... the ones who are "speeding up and skipping over, missing the important as we scan for the urgent." I want to be one of those people who is experiencing the meaningful things in life.

I have not finished the book yet; I am taking my time, trying to digest each chapter and see what the significance is for me personally, but I can honestly say that I recommend the book whole heartedly!

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