to try new things......
Well, tomorrow is one of my first opportunities to do something JUST FOR FUN!!!
Because tomorrow is......
Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast day!!!
Yes! This REALLY is a celebration!
In case you are not familiar with this particular celebration, allow me to give you a little background:
Several years ago there was a family who lived in the distant corners of New York state, the part far distance from the bright lights of Broadway. In that area winters could be cold and brutal. The weather could also cause life to become very boring.
In order to brighten up the dreary days of winter, the family decided to celebrate something a bit out of the ordinary, something that was just for fun, so the family created what they called Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. Even when the two children, Ruth and Joe, headed off to college they continued to celebrate the holiday every year on the first Saturday in February. Word spread and now people all over the globe celebrate right with them.
The only rules are that you eat ice cream for breakfast- whatever flavor or ice cream treat you prefer.
Tonight I plan to stop off at the local grocery and splurge for a special pint for myself, as well as my teenage daughter. I am fairly certain that she will think I am a bit crazy, but I am also fairly sure that she will not mind jumping in and celebrating right with me.
Won't you join in too?
I would love to hear from you if you plan to celebrate. What flavor will you enjoy? Leave a comment and join in the fun right with me.