It seems like literally AGES since I posted.
I have no excuse other than the typical "Life got in the way."
My father has been in poor health since sometime in October. He has been experiencing prostate swelling for years and has been on medication. A few weeks ago he began experiencing more prostate problems, along with some back and leg pain. The doctors diagnosed him with sciatica and began experimenting with various medications and treatments.
Nothing seemed to be working. Finally the doctors decided that it was time to just go ahead and do a procedure on the prostate. When they admitted him into the hospital and began the surgery they discovered that he had a complete blockage. This began an extended hospital stay, ending with the removal of the entire prostate.
Things were looking up and Dad thought that he would be coming home the next day, but it was not to be. He began vomiting extensively and they did x-rays to see if there was an internal problem. Once again they decided that he would need another procedure. They went in and placed a stint in the kidney to drain it.
FINALLY on Friday, December 21 they released Dad from the hospital. My sweet hubby and I went to pick him up and take him home. Dad is on several medications and is walking a bit carefully, but he is doing SO MUCH better! I thank the Lord that he provided Dad with some comfort and strength to get through this.
Dad is not one of those men who takes illness or being idle very well. He much prefers to be up and about, able to do whatever he decides he wants to do. At the age of 72, I am trying to convince him that it is time to slow down a bit and take a break, but I am not sure that he will listen. I am just grateful that he is still here with us to enjoy this Christmas season.
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