Sunday, December 31, 2017


It is that time of year again. The curtain closes on 365 days of my life and I, like many others, look back on where I have been.

In January 2017, I selected "conscious" as my focus word for the year and I tried to use it as a guide. I was conscious about thinking before I spoke (and sometimes deciding NOT to speak), conscious about my money and how I spent it, and conscious about my relationships with others and how I decided to nurture them. The word served me well!

As I sit here on the threshold of the next 365 days I once again tried to pick the perfect word- that one little word that would help me to ground me and guide me. This meant looking ahead to the things I already KNOW will happen: selling our house, leaving my job, finding a new house, finding a new job, watching my son embark on his own life outside of our family home, rejoicing with my daughter as she graduates college, takes the NCLEX, and gets married.

Many people facing all of this would have selected the word "change" as their One Little Word, but I did not want to focus on the changes. Instead, I want to focus on how I deal with them. I do not want to allow myself to get bogged down in what COULD BE. Rather, I want to focus on what ACTUALLY IS. Because of this, my word for 2018 is PERSPECTIVE.

I want to keep the changes in my life in perspective, focusing on the possibilities rather than the immediate impact. I want to look for the bright spot at the end of the storm, not the thunder claps and lightning bolts. As the changes require decisions, I want to take the time to truly examine my choices and look at the possibilities from all perspectives. And most importantly of all, I want to consider God's perspective- what does HE want for me, for my family, and for my future?

Though 2018 is very "fuzzy" now, I am certain that my perspective will become clearer as the days of the New Year go on.

What about you? Do you have One Little Word that you have selected for the new year? I would love for you to share it with us!  Post a comment below and tell us a bit about it. If you care to, you can even follow my blog as I post updates regularly. We can all offer support to one another as the year goes on and we truly welcome our word into our lives. Just go over to the right and become a follower!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Blessings Unexpected

I have always been one of those people with a giving hand and heart. I was raised with Luke 6:35 as my guide....

"But love ye your enemies, and do good and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest..."

Last week I received one of those unexpected rewards.

Last year I saw Kari struggling through finals in her second semester of nursing school and I really wanted to do something to help. I realized very quickly that it was not just her struggling; it was likely her fellow nursing class peers. Knowing that students spent hours pouring over notes and books, particularly for finals, I decided that I would do my part to keep their sugar and energy levels high and I created my first massive "candy bar cake". It was welcomed by them with many smiles and thanks.

I decided at that point that I wanted to make it a kind of tradition to do something for finals each semester and began plotting and planning for the Christmas winter finals round. I searched through Pinterest and found an adorable stocking made from nurse scrubs. It was then that I decided it would be my Christmas finals gift to them. I gathered together enough scrub tops and material to create 24 stockings, enough for each student, teacher, and office worker in the nursing building with a couple left over.

When the stockings were finished I stuffed them with "nursing survival kits", packed them up in a large box and sent them back with Kari after Thanksgiving break.

I sat at home, smiling my little smile, and waiting to hear what they all thought. I never expected what was to come. When Kari came home she had hardly made it in the door when she said, "The nursing students got together and sent you something." She then handed me a beautiful gift box. I opened it where I discovered this beautiful sweatshirt and a $50 gift card to Jo-Ann's Fabrics. She went on to explain that they just wanted to thank me for taking an interest in them and caring about them. It touched me so much that I actually cried.

I did things for them because I truly cared and understood the stress that they were feeling, since I had seen it in my own daughter. I did not expect anything in return. The kindness shown by this group of strangers truly touched my heart! The warmth and love I felt mirrored back to me in this gesture was my true gift and reward!

At this time of year I would like to ask you to think about the people around you who just need a little something to brighten their days and lives. How can YOU do some little selfless act for them? Give without expecting something in return. The reward that you do receive will be the BEST GIFT EVER!